


Jason Muloongo

Program Officer at Brillian Catalyst

You are on right path.

Our Team

Fattah Hanafi

  • Ph.D. Student
  • Motion Expert
  • Tech Enthusiast

Reza Nourbakhsh

  • M.Sc. Computer Science
  • Expert Programmer
  • Game Developer

Our History

Initial Idea

September 2021

Oshawa, ON, Canada

The initial idea came to my mind when I experienced a sudden voice cut out while listening to an online event.

Registering Company

March 2022

Oshawa, ON, Canada

The AYSL Technologis company were registered in Canada.

Brillian Incubator Summer Cohort

May 2022

Oshawa, ON, Canada

Our idea were accepted to join the summer cohort program at Brilliant Catalyst Incubator.

Minimum Viable Product

May 2022

Oshawa, ON, Canada

The mvp were finalized.

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